US Coast Guard Academy
Class Of 1978
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Newest Members
Will Agen
Al Alizzi
Gene Allard
Mike Allen
Dave Alley
Iain Anderson
Al Ansorge
Tim Arthur
Mark Ashley
Duncan Aukland
Bill Baker
Charles Barker
Rodney Barnes
Dan Bartlett
David Beach
Jon Bechtle
Keith Belanger
Jay Bell
Jack Bentley
Paul Berry
Bruce Berwager
Jeffrey Bienvenu
William Billings
Paul Birdwell
Bob Bishop
Bruce Black
Rex Blake
Roger Blaylock
James Blee
Chris Boegel
Mike Boland
Chris Bond
Jay Boyd
Jim Brady
Jeff Brager
Mike Brennan
John Brooks
Manson Brown
Doug Burke
Carl Burns
Mark Burrows
Mick Butler
Steve Cable
Austin Callwood
Dave Cannon
Mike Cappello
Walter Caraballo
Lance Carpenter
Kevin Carpentier
Pat Carson
Robert Carter
Rod Carter
Charlie Casartello
Abe Cassis
Joseph Castillo
Mark Cerasale
Eric Chapman
Andrew Choos
Phillip Christian
Tom Chuba
Lloyd Clary
Randy Clegg
Don Clinkenbeard
George Cognet
Wayne Collins
Terry Colpitts
Clifford Keith Comer
Bill Comstock
Dave Condon
Doug Connor
Kevin Cornelius
Bryan Cowan
Kim Crawford
Marc Cruder
Bob Cseh
Kevin Culliton
John Cumbre
John Cunningham
Pat Cunningham
Dennis Curtis
Rich Cusson
Bob Czechowicz
Mark Dahl
Paul Dalsanto
Bill Davidson
Phyllis (?) Dedden
Tim Dehart
John Dejung
Mike Delaney
Ozzie Delcastillo
Bob D'Eletto
Stephen Delikat
Charles Dempsey
Paul Destefano
Robert Dillon
Pete DiNicola
Don Divers
Paul Donovan
Vince Doyle
Bruce Drahos
Al Ducharme
Paul Dunlap
Stephen Duprey
Bob Durfey
Doug Eames
Norman Edmunds
Gary Egnor
George Elliott
Bill Emerson
Francis Estes
Jim Ferguson
Raul Ferreira
Dan Finney
Marc Fisher
Tim Fjeldal
Paul Fleisher
Manuel Flores
Jay Florey
Paul Flynn
Brian Ford
Randy Forrester
Derald Franklin
Patrick Fries
Mark Frost
Adeste Fuentes
Jeffry Fujii
Tom Fullam
Rick Gaines
Isaac Gamble
Michael Gardner
Paul Gardner
Carlos Garza
Dwight Gaut
Scott Genovese
Jeff Georges
Kathleen-Jeff Georges
Randy Gilbert
Gerry Girard
Joseph Giusto
Andy Givens
John Gladden
Steven Gleason
Dan Godbee
Richard Gonzales
Tino Gonzalez
J. Scott Gorden
Clinton Scott Gordon
Michael Gore
Jonathan Gray
David Grimes
Robert Hair
Tony Hallinan
Ken Hamblet
Todd Hammers
Mike Hanratty
Greg Hanson
Michael Hanson
Andrew Harris
Ben Harrison
Ken Harvey
Fred Harwood
Bob Hayden
Jim Healy
Dave Hebert
Thoros Heroian
Ron Hewitt
Jay Hickman
Mark Hill
Jim Hinton
Paul Hoban
James Hoeft
Mike Hoehnen
Jim Hogan
Scott Holley
Cary Holmes
John R Huber
Ken Hull
Vadm Jim Hull
Robert Hyde
Bryon Ing
Marty Jackson
Mike Jenkins
Chaz Johnson
Kurt Johnson
Phillip Johnson
Scott Johnson
Bob Jones
Robert Jones
Vincent Joy
Steve Kantz
Tom Kavanaugh
Jeffrey Kayser
Ben Keefe
George Kellam
Jim Kelly
R. Dan Kelly
Robert Kelly
Mark Kerski
Pat Kevin
Al Kolm
Arthur Kratkiewicz
Robert Krause
Gene Kunda
Peter Kunz
Walter Kurpiel
Doug Kurth
Ken Kutner
Paul Lammerding
Mark Landry
Mike Lapinski
Jack Lapke
Tom Laplante
Rich Larson
Pat Layne
Craig Lee
Mike LeFebvre
Jonathan Lemmen
Tom Lewis
Curt Lindquist
Ted Lindstrom
Joe Loadholt
Charles Lofton
Ross Lonsdale
Michael Lucia
Eddie Mack
Kent Mack
Bob Maki
Mike Mandrick
Mike Mangan
Lawrence Mar
Clifford Marvin
Gerry Massad
David Maylum
Bob McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
LeRoy McClan
Tom McCool
Mike McDermott
Rodney McElroy
Dwight McGee
Bill McHenry
Jim McKenzie
Lloyd McKinney
Bruce McQueen
Test Me
Scott Melton
Larry Mercier
William Meyn
Albert Miller
Glenn Miller
Mark Miller
Mark Morgan
Tom Murphy
Bruce Mustain
Rick Muth
David Nachtway
Tom Nadeau
Gary Napert
Gary Nelis
John Nelson
Rich Nickle
Richard Nikula
Charles Noble
Glen North
Kevin Nugent
Ed O'Donnell
George Oehl
Brian O'Keefe
Mike O'Neill
Doug Ott
Stu Overton
Johnnie Owens
Joe Pancotti
Wayne Parent
Mike Parisi
Ron Parker
Tom Parker
Joe Parsons
Greg Pellemeier
Dave Penella
Steven Penn
Jim Person
Leon Peterson
Albert Pfister
Robert Phelps
Joe Pickard
Forrest Pierson
Mike Pinkham
Steve Plona
Barry Poore
Jerry Powell
Don Preston
Paul Preusse
Carl Priddy
August Pritzlaff
Greg Probert
Greg Quinn
J. K. Quinn
Ron Rabago
Blaise Rabdau
Mike Rand
Steve Ratti
Edward Ray
Jerome Reed
Bob Reininger
Kelly Reis
Bob Reynolds
Daniel Rice
Eddie Richards
Doug Riggins
Joe Riordan
Michael Rivers
Steve Roach
Bob Roemer
Tim Rogers
Tim Rolston
Lee Romasco
Chris Roney
Don Roode
Kevin Ross
Steve Ruta
George Ryan
George Sabol
Doug Salcedo
James Samelson
Larry Sandeen
Peter Santoro
Gene Schlechte
Keith Schleiffer
Dave Senecal
Mike Seward
Richard Sheehan
Ken Sheek
Sam Shriver
Mark Sikorski
Tim Sine
Kevin Skelly
Ed Skewes
Timothy Skuby
John Slay
Cleon Smith
Jack Smith
Leroy Smith
Mark Smolley
Vic Smyth
Jim Snyder
Tim Spangler
Jeff Stark
Marty Stewart
Jim Stricker
Charles Strickland
Jonathon Stroud
Tom Sullivan
John Sweeney
Norm Swenson
Mike Swirsky
Alan Tabur
Judson Talmadge
Willie (Wilfredo) Tamayo
John Taylor
Kevin Tenety
Hank Tessier
David Thoresen
Richard Trammell
Greg Tudor
Dave Turner
Eugene Urbanik
Bob VanZandt
Matt Vaughn
Bill Vieth
Mike Vincenty
Ken Vollenweider
Bill Wagner
Greg Walter
Bruce Ward
Mark Wasley
Jim Watson
Kerry Watterson
Marty Weikart
Kurt "Duke" Wellington
Richard Wells
Mike Whitham
Dan Whiting
Edward Wilds
Congress Williams
Mark Williams
Tom Williams
Mark Williamson
Brooke Winter
Matt Wixsom
Ron Wohlfrom
Jim Wood
Eeyes Wright
Rich Yazbek
Mike Yenz
Doug Yon
John Yost
Ed Young
Bill Zipp
Guest Members
Aida (Dan Whiting)
Alisa (Terry Colpitts)
Carletta-Ben (Benny Harrison)
Cynthia (Ken Hull)
Jane (Clint Jeff Gordon)
Kathleen (Jeff Georges)
Susan (Tim Spangler)
Kim (Marty) (Jackson)
Jason (Son) (Hull)
Lina Gage (Jim Kelly)
Peta Gale (Cappello)
Andrea Rand
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