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October 10, 2024

Hello Classmates,

We are pleased to report that last night our Class held our first zoom Town Hall Meeting to formally introduce the Class of 1978 CAPT Michael A. Healy Award that our Class will fund as our 50th Anniversary gift to the Academy in 2028. By 2028, we hope to have raised at least $780,000, a goal that we are already over 25% of the way to achieving!  
Manson Brown moderated the discussion of how your Gift Committee worked hard for over a year to develop this gift concept to be sufficiently detailed to achieve our Class goals while also allowing flexibility to respond as future priorities change. Bryon Ing then explained and demonstrated how each classmate can sign on to to make a gift in support of this important Class of 78 legacy.
In total, we had almost 40 classmates sign into last night's Town Hall Meeting. We had a great discussion for nearly an hour and many of you provided valuable feedback and insight as guidance for how our Class should move forward with this important initiative.  
I'm sure that many more wanted to make it but couldn't for various reasons. If you weren't able to attend and want to learn more about the Class of 1978 Captain Michael A. Healy Award, a Zoom recording of the meeting is available for your viewing pleasure. Also, a copy of the Powerpoint presentation can be downloaded for review.
If you would like to have another Town Hall Meeting because you have additional questions or concerns that were not addressed in our first meeting, please email Chris Bond. If we have enough interest, we will do a second Town Hall to accomodate those who were not able to join Wednesday's meeting.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call or email any of the Gift Committee Members.  Each one of us is available and willing to help you understand and hopefully support this important legacy project that we will celebrate together in four short years!
Go 78!
Respectfully, Your Class Gift Committee,
Iain Anderson, Bruce Black, Chris Bond, Manson Brown, Pepe Castillo, Bryon Ing, Mike Lucia, Mike Vincenty, Kerry Watterson and Brooke Winter    


